v5.6 - Fixation Detection

v5.6 - Fixation Detection

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

We are excited to announce our latest release for Pupil Cloud including a novel fixation detector, advanced privacy features in workspaces, and more! All recordings uploaded after this release will automatically have fixation data.

Fixation Detection

We have developed a novel fixation detector for Pupil Invisible! It was designed to cope with the challenges of head-mounted eye tracking and is one of the most robust algorithms out there!

Traditional fixation detection algorithms are designed for stationary settings which assume minimal head movement. Our algorithm actively compensates for head movements and can detect fixations more reliably in dynamic scenarios. This includes robustness to vestibulo–ocular reflex (VOR) movements.

Fixations will be calculated automatically on upload to Pupil Cloud and be available in all exports. We are planning on open sourcing our new fixation detection algorithm in the near future along with a white paper and integration into Pupil Player for offline support.

Check out documentation on fixations exported for enrichments in the docs

Advanced Workspace Privacy Settings

We are introducing additional privacy settings for workspaces to cover a few specialized use cases that were requested by the community.

You can now disable scene video upload for the entire workspace. This allows users to make use of Pupil Cloud features like the calculation of 200 Hz gaze or fixations, while complying with strict privacy policies that would not allow scene video uploads to our servers.

In a future release we will introduce the ability to automatically blur faces on-upload of a recording to a workspace, such that the potentially sensitive original version is never stored in Pupil Cloud.

“Created by” Column in Recordings List

You can now see who uploaded each recording in the Drive view “Created by” column. We hope this makes collaboration easier within your workspace.

Optimized Project Editor Layout

We made more space for the video player at the center, and added a toolbar above the video player. The toolbar contains contextual enrichment related functions. Currently only for the Marker Mapper enrichment - more in the near future!