multiple bugfixes for improved stability
slight UI tweaks
changes versioning naming convention to: vX.Y.Z (Major, Minor, Development Iteration/Hot-fix)
bundle installation Linux:
download pupil ubuntu zipped bundle
unzip to location of choice
move shortcut to launcher and wherever else you want
User Directories on Linux:
On Linux your data will be next to the pupil bundle folder.
bundle installation Mac:
download pupil mac zipped file
unzip to location of choice
running on Mac:
We have one bug that prevents us from running the app without a terminal, here is the tmp workaround
Open "run_pupil_capture_from_mac_terminal" to start Pupil Capture
User directories on Mac:
On Mac Pupil will create two directories on your Desktop:
simple player application for mac
Because you need some way to look at data and we are working on a proper player. Here a minimalistic app to play pupil data.
install Pupil Simple Player
drag a recording folder onto the app (the one that contains the actual files)
the app will start and play back your recording
a new video with overlay will be saved in the recoding dir