Pupil Capture and Player release version 0.5
We are happy to release the latest version of Pupil software. As usual the installers for Mac OS and Linux are below. Windows will follow.
New Features
New unified video capture backend: pyUVC - No more patching of Linux. Single USB support everywhere!
MJPEG recording option. (Uses no CPU but makes bigger files, currently for Linux only -Mac works when running from source).
Fixation detector for Pupil Player.
Pupil and gaze data is now also saved in a pickled file. We use this internally for Pupil Player
Now you can open a different recording in Pupil Player simply by dragging it onto an existing window.
Pupil Player now opens a blank window when started without recording. You can drag and drop a recording into this "dummy" to open a recording.
Bugfixes minor Improvements
Windows and menus always remember their size and position
Settings from previous software versions are ignored.
Many minor UI tweaks
Mac OS cursor does not hide on resize
Fixed bug that occurred on some Ubuntu machines on window resize
Simplified hdpi handling
Multiple Player export bugfixes
Various other bugfixes
Now using GLFW3.1
Updated and streamlined GLFW bindings
Updated pyglui to v0.3
Simply install the bundle below. Please raise an issue if you find a bug!