









Pupil Labs @ ETRA


Author(s): Pupil Dev Team

June 12, 2018

From June 14-17 we will be presenting research, conducting a workshop, and exhibiting Pupil Labs products at the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) in Warsaw, Poland.

We are proud to sponsor ETRA again this year and are looking forward to listening to talks, participating in workshops, and learning from the community!


Friday, June 15 from 14:09-14:29 - Room 214

A novel approach to single camera, glint-free 3D eye model fitting including corneal refraction (Kai Dierkes)

Model-based methods for glint-free gaze estimation typically infer eye pose using pupil contours extracted from eye images. Existing methods, however, either ignore or require complex hardware setups to deal with refraction effects occurring at the corneal interfaces. In this work we provide a detailed analysis of the effects of refraction in glint-free gaze estimation using a single near-eye camera, based on the method presented by [Świrski and Dodgson 2013]. We demonstrate systematic deviations in inferred eyeball positions and gaze directions with respect to synthetic ground-truth data and show that ignoring corneal refraction can result in angular errors of several degrees. Furthermore, we quantify gaze direction dependent errors in pupil radius estimates. We propose a novel approach to account for corneal refraction in 3D eye model fitting and by analyzing synthetic and real images show that our new method successfully captures refraction effects and helps to overcome the shortcomings of the state of the art approach.


Saturday, June 16 from 10:30-12:30 - Room S227

Hands-on with Pupil Labs - Current features and future directions

This workshop will provide a brief introduction to the mobile eye-tracking solutions and software ecosystem developed by Pupil Labs. In a hands-on demonstration and live-coding session, we will give a practical guide to leveraging the Pupil Labs open tool chain. Going forward, the team will present current development and research projects at Pupil Labs and in particular discuss how they utilise modern machine learning and computer vision methods.

Workshop demo code.


We will be exhibiting throughout the duration of the symposium. Please stop by the exhibition area to try out Pupil products and meet with members of our team!