Eye-Tracking Informatics Art Installation
Community Stories
Author(s): Pupil Dev Team
December 6, 2019

“Eye-Tracking Informatics” is a recreation of an interactive media art installation by the late artist Seiko Mikami. The original work was exhibited in 1996 and has been updated and reinstalled using Pupil Labs eye tracking hardware and software. The installation is on display from May 18 2019 until March 1 2020 at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media.

Participants in this installation sit on chairs wearing Pupil Core and face a large screen of a three-dimensional virtual space. Visual structures are generated in real-time on the screen as a response to the participant's gaze creating a tight feedback loop between participant/viewer and art.
The earliest versions of the hardware used custom built eye tracking tools and in the most recent installation was updated to Pupil Core! We are excited to be part of this installation's history!