Hololens and BT300 eye tracking add-ons


Author(s): Pupil Dev Team

March 2, 2017

We are excited to announce our new eye tracking add-ons for Microsoft Hololens and the Epson Moverio BT-300!

Our eye tracking add-ons enable you to add eye tracking powers to you Hololens and the BT300 AR headsets- no tools required!

Our cameras run at 120Hz and our software enables you access our low latency eye tracking pipeline. Fast enough for interaction applications and detection of saccades and quick fixations.

You get direct access to raw eye video feeds and all pupil data and gaze data. We have open source building blocks that you can use to integrate eye tracking into your application.

Head over to the store and check them out.

Microsoft Hololens Binocular Add-on
